New England Regional World History Association



Article I

The name of the ORGANIZATION shall be the New England Regional World History Association.

Article II

The objective of the Association shall be to promote and to facilitate the study of World History in schools, colleges, and universities in New England by means of meetings, workshops, networks, curricular materials, the publication of a newsletter, and other such activities it may deem appropriate. These activities will include sponsorship of two annual one-day symposia, one in the Spring and one in the Fall, which will highlight advances in world history scholarship and pedagogy.

Article III

The affairs of the Association shall be under the supervision of an Executive Council consisting of nine members elected from and by the Association. Additionally, the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall sit with the Executive Council and have full voting privileges, resulting in a body of thirteen voting members. A minimum of two K-12 teachers shall be Included in this thirteen-person body at all times. Moreover, it is recommended, but not mandated, that at least one graduate student serve on the Executive Council at all times. The Executive Council shall oversee the business of the Association, set and expend dues and other revenues of the Association, and do whatever else it deems appropriate for the maintenance and well-being of the Association. Members of the Executive Council shall serve three-year, staggered terms of office and are eligible for re-nomination and re-election. The nine Executive Council members shall assume their duties on 1 January of the year immediately following their election.

Persons charged with special duties, such as the web master or committee chairs, are empowered to sit on the Executive Council as ex officio members with full discussion and voting rights. The Executive Council may also, by majority vote, name other persons with special expertise to sit with the Executive Council with full discussion and voting rights.

The Executive Council will convene annually in the Fall at a time and place to be determined by the Council. This meeting must be held before the Fall Symposium. The members of the Executive Council will discuss all NERWHA business they deem appropriate and will decide issues that fall within the Council’s authority. A report on its deliberations and decisions, as well as proposals for vote by the membership at large, will be announced in a timely manner to the members.

Article IV

The executive officers of the Association shall include a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, and a Secretary elected biennially by the Association’s members. The officers shall assume their duties on 1 January of the year immediately following their election and serve for two years. They are eligible for re-nomination and re-election. Any vacancies that might occur during their terms of office shall be filled by vote of the Executive Council.

The President-Shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Council and at the semi-annual Business Meeting, which shall be part of each symposium. The President shall also present for consideration by the Executive Council policies for the conduct of the Association and will be the representative of the Association in all matters and work that relate to other organizations, institutions, and persons. The President shall appoint persons to committees and will serve ex officio on all standing or ad hoc committees that may be created by the Executive Council. The President will either write or delegate another member to write an occasional newsletter that will go out to the membership and be published on the NERWHA web site.

The Vice-President–Shall assist the President and, in the absence of the President shall serve as presiding officer and perform such other presidential duties as may be required. The Vice-President is also charged with preparing an annual report to the WHA of NERWHA activities and serving as liaison with other WHA affiliates across the globe.

The Treasurer-Shall be responsible for all funds, making collections and disbursements as directed by the Executive Council, and preparing an annual report of the Association’s finances for the Association’s members.

The Secretary–Shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Association and of its Executive Council, shall attend to all correspondence of the Association, and shall keep a record of all members.

The Web Master–Is appointed by the Executive Council and serves indefinitely at its pleasure and under its direction.

Article V

The Association shall have a three-person Nominations Committee and whatever other standing and ad-hoc committees the Executive Council deems necessary and appropriate. The President shall appoint persons to committee offices. Committee members serve for a period of two years but may be reappointed by the President.

In preparing its Officers’ nominations, the Nominations Committee shall make every effort to ensure that the list be broadly representative of the geographic and employment diversity of the Association’s membership.

Article VI

All Association office holders shall be elected by an e-mail ballot prior to the Fall symposium so that its results may be announced there.

Article VII

The President, and each committee chair, as well as persons charged with particular responsibilities, such as the Vice-President and the web master, shall render a written annual report to the Executive Council that is due prior to the annual Fall meeting.

Article VIII

The fiscal year of the Association shall be from 1 January through 31 December.

Article IX

All income from dues, conference fees, publication income, and all monies received as gifts (except as may be stipulated by the gift itself) are considered general revenues and may be used to further the objectives of the Association as determined by its Executive Council.

Article X

Any person may become a member of the Association by payment of annual dues as established by the Executive Council. The period of annual membership shall be from 1 January through 31 December. Dues paid after 1 October shall be applied to the coming year but include the remaining time until 1 January.

Article XI

Amendments to the Constitution may be adopted by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members voting solicited by an e-mail ballot following a discussion of the proposed Constitutional amendment(s) at the annual meeting of the Executive Council. Proposed amendments to the Constitution must be included with the notice of call for the annual meeting.

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